Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Jatuh Cinta .. ;-)

saat pertama kali jumpa 
kau jaga aku dengan sepenuh hatimu ..
tak ada asa yang kurasa
kau beri perhatian padaku 

kau sapa diriku
kau tnya "apa kabarmu ??"
kau bercerita tntngmu
dan kau ingin tau banyak tntangku ..

ku ttap dirimu dalam bayangku
kau lontarkan senyum manusmu padaku
ku rasakan getaran dihati
apa yng sebenarnya terjadi ???
apa sebenanrnya yng aku rasakan ??

mungkinkah itu tanda kebaikanny ??
ataukah aku jatuh hati ??
ya, aku pikir aku jatuh hati pdanya
ada rasa yang kurasakan dalam hati ini

rasa yang tidak bisa dibohongi
rasa yang selalu menghantui
rasa yang tidak bisa dilupakan ini
rasa sayng yang sangat besardalam hati

andai waktu bisa diulangi
aku ingin bisa lebih lama dnganmu
seperti dulu lagi
menjagaku dengan penuh perhatianmu


END .. ;-)

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Cinta yang Tertinggal .. ;-(

28  Agustus

Namaku Amanda. banyak orang memanggilku dengan sebutan Manda.. aku punya kulit kecoklatan, mataku agak sedikit melotot (hha :D) alisku yang hitam dan berbentuk banyak dikira orang itu alis palsu, tpi nggak ini emang alisku yang asli, alis ciptaan Allah.. hhe ;-) pipiku juga agak sedikit cubby ..
Tubuhku tergolong kedalam bentuk yang gemuk, tpi meski tubuhku yang gemuk ini aku nggak minder kok.. gemuk2 ttep cantik kok hhe ;-)
aku sangat bersyukur dikaruniai rambut yang hitam dan lebat. mungkin, itu dari garis keturunan nenek..
perjalanan hidupku sampai akhir ini lumayan baik. tapi tdk untuk masalah pencintaanku. ;-(

pagi ini cukup indah , tak sama dengan hari2 sebelumnya ..sinar matahari yang jatuh diatap rumahku memantulkan cahaya.
aku duduk d depan televisi menyaksikan acara kesayangku.. namun itu membuat aku menjadi bosan.. hingga akhirnya aku pergi kekamar menghampiri tas laptop ku dan ku buka laptop itu untuk menemaniku pagi ini..
untuk apa aku buka laptop itu ?? seperti biasanya aku selalu membuka akun FB (facebook).. hhe ;-) lagi zamannya FBan kan ..

setlah login dan dibuka beranda terlihat dengan sangat jelas kalo cowo yng satu itu ulang tahun. siapa dia ?? dia adalah cowo yang udah ngisi hidupku bbrpa thun yang lalu. wawww .. aku nggak inget sama sekali ulang tahunnya. knpa ?? krna mungkin aku terlalu sakit hati untuk mengingat ingatnya trus sampai saat ini, hha :D


bebrpa tahun yang lalu...
aku lulus SMP dan aku mlnjtutkan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi yakni SMA .. aku sekolah di sebuah sekolah yang cukup baik sekolah bertaraf internasional.. awalnya aku susah untuk mencari tmn baru setlh bersusah payah mencari sahabat d  SMP.. namun, aku ttp berusaha untuk mempunyai tmn ato sahabat baru ..

suatu hari aku terasa bgtu rindu trhadap tmn masa lalu aku yang memang kbtulan shabatku tidak satu sekolah sama aku, dia "deni dan dani" , aku hubunngi mreka dan mreka mngajak aku untuk ketmu disuatu tmpat..
" aku tunggu kamu di depan taman.. " sms itu dri deni..
aku kira dia sms aku pke numb hp brunya tpi dia minjem punya tmnnya..


bbrpa bulan kmudian aku sms numb itu aku blum nyadar tuh kalo itu bukan numbnya deni..
" main keruma aku skrng ditunggu" sms aku.
" siapa ya ?? " blasnya
" ini aku amanda"
" ohh amanda tmennya deni ya ?? "
" emang kmu siapa ?? "
" aku tmnnya deni juga. "
" oh maaf kalo gtu aku salah " (sekilas percakapan aku sma tmnnya deni)

seprti biasa hari minggu deni dan dani suka main kruma aku.. hari itu dia cerita sma aku kalo itu bukan numb hpn ny tpi numb punya tmnnya..
saya pikir its OK kan punya tmn lagi.. seru tuh bsa punya bnyk tmn..

malam hari hp ku berdering tanda sms masuk , sms tu dri dia lgi .. hhe ;-) biasa knlan2 sperti biasa nanyain nama , sekolah, rumah dmna?? ahh basa basi dehh .. sampai bbrpa bulan tuh kita sering smsan .. tiap hari kita smsan karena aku sneng smsan sama dia nyambung dehh kalo ngobrol.

udah lama kenal dia tiba2 deni sms aku ..
" manda kata tmn aku dia mau ktmu sama kmu, " ucap deni
" ohh gtu OK . dmn ?? "
" dia mau keruma kmu .. "
" hmp kapan ?? "
" malem ntar ktnya .. "
" ohh Ok deh aku tunggu " ( sms aku sama deni) ..

malam itu aku sendri diruma karna mama aku sama kakak aku jenguk ayah , yang malem itu ayah aku mau ngnterin kaka permpuan kerja tpi djalan  kecelakam dan mesti d larikan ke RS.
jadi, sendir dehh diruma .. ;-(

tokk , tokk , tokkk ....
" assalamu'alaikum " 
" wassalam .. " ucapku 
siapa ya malem2 gni keruma ?? (pikirku dlam hati)
" ni rumahnya manda ya ?? kmu manda ?? "
" iya aku manda , kmu tmnnya deni bukan ?? " kta aku ..
" iya .. " ucpnya singkat
bebrapa jam kita berbncang. aku senang dngan tatapannya itu , matanya memncarkan sinar , kta2 yang dikeluarkannya sngat diperhatikan .. sikap pun bgtu .. hhe ;-)
namun, waktu sudah tdk bershabat . malam itu sudah cukup larut sampai akhirnya malam itu mengantarkan dia pulang kerumanya ..

sampai suatu saat dia mengungkapakan isi hatinya padaku, dia jatuh hati padaku dan bgtu pun aku aku tertarik pdanya .. aku bhagia saat itu , aku punya orng yang perhatian sma aku tiap harinya .. ;-)

itu bertahan cukup lama , sampai akhir ini aku nggak tau ntah kenpa tiba2 dia menghilang dari kehidupanku, dia nggak pernah mmberi kabar gmna dia dan dmna dia .. hilang komunikasi diantra kita membuat aku mnjadi bingung setngah mati, hha :D
aku nggak tau mungkin aku punya salah sama dia , tpi apa ?? apa yng mmbuat dia menjadi brubah ?? apa yng pernah aku perbuat sma dia ?? hhu ;-(

bbrpa bulan sampai saat ini , detik ini aku bikin cerpen ini nggak ada kabar sedikitpun darinya .. aku nggak pernah mau sms dia lagi krna itu cukup mebuat saya sakit hati .. dia ganti numb nggak pernah ada nghubugi aku , dia bner2 udah menghilang nggak keliatan sedikitpun dari hadapanku .. ;-(


nahh itu cerita aku ,, cukup senang tpi berakhir kecewa , berakhir sedih .. ceritanya nggak happy ending .. hha :D tapi aku nggak pernah meratapi nasib , biarlah itu berlalu , masih banyak cita2 yang blum saya raihh .. ;-)

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011


Little Snow-White

Germany, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm


Once upon a time in mid winter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a beautiful queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. As she sewed, she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red on the white looked so beautiful, that she thought, “If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as this frame.” Soon afterward she had a little daughter that was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood, and therefore they called her Little Snow-White.
Now the queen was the most beautiful woman in all the land, and very proud of her beauty. She had a mirror, which she stood in front of every morning, and asked:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
And the mirror always said:
You, my queen, are fairest of all.
And then she knew for certain that no one in the world was more beautiful than she.
Now Snow-White grew up, and when she was seven years old, she was so beautiful, that she surpassed even the queen herself. Now when the queen asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror said:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White is still
A thousand times fairer than you.
When the queen heard the mirror say this, she became pale with envy, and from that hour on, she hated Snow-White. Whenever she looked at her, she thought that Snow-White was to blame that she was no longer the most beautiful woman in the world. This turned her heart around. Her jealousy gave her no peace. Finally she summoned a huntsman and said to him, “Take Snow-White out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death. As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. I shall cook them with salt and eat them.”
The huntsman took Snow-White into the woods. When he took out his hunting knife to stab her, she began to cry, and begged fervently that he might spare her life, promising to run away into the woods and never return. The huntsman took pity on her because she was so beautiful, and he thought, “The wild animals will soon devour her anyway. I’m glad that I don’t have to kill her.” Just then a young boar came running by. He killed it, cut out its lungs and liver, and took them back to the queen as proof of Snow-White’s death. She cooked them with salt and ate them, supposing that she had eaten Snow-White’s lungs and liver.
Snow-White was now all alone in the great forest. She was terribly afraid, and began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns the entire day. Finally, just as the sun was about to set, she came to a little house. The house belonged to seven dwarfs. They were working in a mine, and not at home. Snow-White went inside and found everything to be small, but neat and orderly. There was a little table with seven little plates, seven little spoons, seven little knives and forks, seven little mugs, and against the wall there were seven little beds, all freshly made.
Snow-White was hungry and thirsty, so she ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate, and from each little glass she drank a drop of wine. Because she was so tired, she wanted to lie down and go to sleep. She tried each of the seven little beds, one after the other, but none felt right until she came to the seventh one, and she lay down in it and fell asleep.
When night came, the seven dwarfs returned home from the work. They lit their seven little candles, and saw that someone had been in their house.
The first one said, “Who has been sitting in my chair?”
The second one, “Who has been eating from my plate?”
The third one, “Who has been eating my bread?”
The fourth one, “Who has been eating my vegetables?”
The fifth one, “Who has been sticking with my fork?”
The sixth one, “Who has been cutting with my knife?”
The seventh one, “Who has been drinking from my mug?”
Then the first one said, “Who stepped on my bed?”
The second one, “And someone has been lying in my bed.”
And so forth until the seventh one, and when he looked at his bed, he found Snow-White lying there, fast asleep. The seven dwarfs all came running, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and looked at Snow-White. “Good heaven! Good heaven!” they cried. “She is so beautiful!” They liked her very much. They did not wake her up, but let her lie there in the bed. The seventh dwarf had to sleep with his companions, one hour with each one, and then the night was done.
When Snow-White woke up, they asked her who she was and how she had found her way to their house. She told them how her mother had tried to kill her, how the huntsman had spared her life, how she had run the entire day, finally coming to their house. The dwarfs pitied her and said, “If you will keep house for us, and cook, sew, make beds, wash, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay here, and you’ll have everything that you want. We come home in the evening, and supper must be ready by then, but we spend the days digging for gold in the mine. You will be alone then. Watch out for the queen, and do not let anyone in.”
The queen thought that she was again the most beautiful woman in the land, and the next morning she stepped before the mirror and asked:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered once again:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White beyond the seven mountains
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
It startled the queen to hear this, and she knew that she had been deceived, that the huntsman had not killed Snow-White. Because only the seven dwarfs lived in the seven mountains, she knew at once that they must have rescued her. She began to plan immediately how she might kill her, because she would have no peace until the mirror once again said that she was the most beautiful woman in the land. At last she thought of something to do. She disguised herself as an old peddler woman and colored her face, so that no one would recognize her, and went to the dwarf’s house. Knocking on the door she called out, “Open up. Open up. I’m the old peddler woman with good wares for sale.”
Snow-White peered out the window, “What do you have?”
“Bodice laces, dear child,” said the old woman, and held one up. It was braided from yellow, red, and blue silk. “Would you like this one?”
“Oh, yes,” said Snow-White, thinking, “I can let the old woman come in. She means well.” She unbolted the door and bargained for the bodice laces.
“You are not laced up properly,” said the old woman. “Come here, I’ll do it better.” Snow-White stood before her, and she took hold of the laces and pulled them so tight that Snow-White could not breathe, and she fell down as if she were dead. Then the old woman was satisfied, and she went away.
Nightfall soon came, and the seven dwarfs returned home. They were horrified to find their dear Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead. They lifted her up and saw that she was laced up too tightly. They cut the bodice laces in two, and then she could breathe, and she came back to life. “It must have been the queen who tried to kill you,” they said. “Take care and do not let anyone in again.”
The queen asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered once again:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
She was so horrified that the blood all ran to her heart, because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. Then for an entire day and a night she planned how she might catch her. She made a poisoned comb, disguised herself differently, and went out again. She knocked on the door, but Snow-White called out, “I am not allowed to let anyone in.”
Then she pulled out the comb, and when Snow-White saw how it glistened, and noted that the woman was a complete stranger, she opened the door, and bought the comb from her. “Come, let me comb your hair,” said the peddler woman. She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White’s hair, before the girl fell down and was dead. “That will keep you lying there,” said the queen. And she went home with a light heart.
The dwarfs came home just in time. They saw what had happened and pulled the poisoned comb from her hair. Snow-White opened her eyes and came back to life. She promised the dwarfs not to let anyone in again.
The queen stepped before her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
When the queen heard this, she shook and trembled with anger, “Snow-White will die, if it costs me my life!” Then she went into her most secret room — no one else was allowed inside — and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was red and beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. Then she disguised herself as a peasant woman, went to the dwarfs’ house and knocked on the door.
Snow-White peeped out and said, “I’m not allowed to let anyone in. The dwarfs have forbidden it most severely.”
“If you don’t want to, I can’t force you,” said the peasant woman. “I am selling these apples, and I will give you one to taste.”
“No, I can’t accept anything. The dwarfs don’t want me to.”
“If you are afraid, then I will cut the apple in two and eat half of it. Here, you eat the half with the beautiful red cheek!” Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the red half was poisoned. When Snow-White saw that the peasant woman was eating part of the apple, her desire for it grew stronger, so she finally let the woman hand her the other half through the window. She bit into it, but she barely had the bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.
The queen was happy, went home, and asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
And it answered:
You, my queen, are fairest of all.
“Now I’ll have some peace,” she said, “because once again I’m the most beautiful woman in the land. Snow-White will remain dead this time.”
That evening the dwarfs returned home from the mines. Snow-White was lying on the floor, and she was dead. They loosened her laces and looked in her hair for something poisonous, but nothing helped. They could not bring her back to life. They laid her on a bier, and all seven sat next to her and cried and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but they saw that she remained fresh. She did not look at all like a dead person, and she still had beautiful red cheeks. They had a glass coffin made for her, and laid her inside, so that she could be seen easily. They wrote her name and her ancestry on it in gold letters, and one of them always stayed at home and kept watch over her.
Snow-White lay there in the coffin a long, long time, and she did not decay. She was still as white as snow and as red as blood, and if she had been able to open her eyes, they still would have been as black as ebony wood. She lay there as if she were asleep.
One day a young prince came to the dwarfs’ house and wanted shelter for the night. When he came into their parlor and saw Snow-White lying there in a glass coffin, illuminated so beautifully by seven little candles, he could not get enough of her beauty. He read the golden inscription and saw that she was the daughter of a king. He asked the dwarfs to sell him the coffin with the dead Snow-White, but they would not do this for any amount of gold. Then he asked them to give her to him, for he could not live without being able to see her, and he would keep her, and honor her as his most cherished thing on earth. Then the dwarfs took pity on him and gave him the coffin.
The prince had it carried to his castle, and had it placed in a room where he sat by it the whole day, never taking his eyes from it. Whenever he had to go out and was unable to see Snow-White, he became sad. And he could not eat a bite, unless the coffin was standing next to him. Now the servants who always had to carry the coffin to and fro became angry about this. One time one of them opened the coffin, lifted Snow-White upright, and said, “We are plagued the whole day long, just because of such a dead girl,” and he hit her in the back with his hand. Then the terrible piece of apple that she had bitten off came out of her throat, and Snow-White came back to life.
She walked up to the prince, who was beside himself with joy to see his beloved Snow-White alive. They sat down together at the table and ate with joy.
Their wedding was set for the next day, and Snow-White’s godless mother was invited as well. That morning she stepped before the mirror and said:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But the young queen
Is a thousand times fairer than you.
She was horrified to hear this, and so overtaken with fear that she could not say anything. Still, her jealousy drove her to go to the wedding and see the young queen. When she arrived she saw that it was Snow-White. Then they put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed, and she had to put them on and dance in them. Her feet were terribly burned, and she could not stop until she had danced herself to death.

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Happy Holiday

" nahh kalo yang ini masih foto2 aku sma keluarga besar, tpi kalo yang ini sma keluarga dri my father .. hhe ;-) ga kalah serunya lohh.. ini foto dambil waktu liburan sekolah kemren . kita jalan2 ke galunggun and pangandaran beach . ^.^ "

" nah yang ini fakhri namanya, dia anak dari adeknya my father .. ;-) "

" kalo yang ini Rizky namanya ,, "

" nah kalo yang tomboy satu ini namanya Ayu .. ;-) "

" kalo yang ini bukan dri sodara my father tpi dri my mother ,, namanya a Ulun .. dia anak dari kakakny my mother "

" kalo yng ini kakak kandung aku yng ke 2 , namanya Dzikri sering dipanggil Eki .. ;-) "

" hahahah :D kalo yang ini aku .. ;-) "

" nohh kalo yng ono nohh yang ndutt,, udah agakk tua, hha :D nahh ituu my father ,, belagunya naik kawahh .. hhu ;-) "

"nggak ingin ketinggalan pemandangan yang indah dan segarr d kawah galunggung , kita ambil dehh foto nya .. keren kan pemandangan nya ??? "

" ayo acungkan jempolnya ... :D angkat tangan untuk alam kita .. JAYA .. ^.^ "

" nahh ini dia , baru nongol di foto , keliatn ga tuh yang pke kerudung putih ?? nahh yang itu my mother .. ga ikut naik kawahh sihh . hha :D kasian ga kuatt .. tpi tetep the best dehh my mother udah nyiapain jagung2nya buat kita smua, hha :D "

" noh ketinggalan satu lagi personilnya , keliatan kan yang pke jaket orange ?? nahh itu keponakanku , namanya raisa sering dipanggil rara ;-) "

" hahah :D nahh itu tuhh keluarga2 aku .. the best dehh ;-) "

serunya berlibur bareng keluarga .. ^.^

" nahh ini nihh ga ada capenya emang , besoknya abis dri galunggung kita langsung capcus lagi tuh ke pangandaran beach , hha :D "

" nah sebelum berenang alangkah baiknya kalo kita makan dulu .. "

"nggak ingin ketinggalan juga tuh sma keindahan pantainya , ayo dehh foto yang banyakk ,, "

"hati jadi senang dehh kalo udah kyak gtuu ,, haha :D kayak lagu ajahh ..hati senang walaupun tak punya uang , hhah S "

" serunya di pantai , enak deh kalo udah naek perahu bawaanya ga pengen turun tuhh , hha :D "

" yang satu ini .. kyak apa ya ?? hha :D peace ahh "

" seru kan main pasir ?? "

" nahh ini nihh panasaran dengan keindahan alamnya , jad langsung nyemplung ajahh tuhh lyat2 keindahan alam di bawah lautt , seruu kannn ??? "

" ggood bye dehh ,, ;-) seruu kan liburan ku sama keluarga ku ?? ayo deh yang mau ngajak aku liburan ditunggu ya ?? hhe ;-) "


Kata Hati .. ;-)

Ketika bimbang kita sering bertanya pada orang lain, sekian banyak masukan membuat kita malah tambah bingung. Dengarkan kata hati kita dan dapatkan masukan untuk menguatkannya bukan untuk mengaburkannya. Kata hati akan mnuntun langkah menuju kesenangan dan kebahagiaan. Mata bisa tertipu kemilauan harta, fikiran gampang dipengaruhi kebencian dan susah untuk percaya kebaikan. Jaga hati dengan kejujuran pada kata hati, kendalikan liarnya fikiran dan teduhkan mata dengan keindahan sejati.^.^

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

my Foto

" ini foto narsisku wth keponakan ku namanya dde maul . ;-),, dd maul itu orngnya cerwet abiss , nggak bisa diem , nakal, riweuhhh ,, galakk ,, pinter ngomong , hha :D (diborong)  "

" kalo yng ini ?? hhha :D biasa foto2 iseng ajahh. gaje banget dah gw "

" ini emang sih smua diborong tapi ttep dehh keponakan ku lucu dan imut ,hhe .. /^-^\

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Arti Sahabat

" ini cerpen saya tulis dari kisah nyata yang dialami saya beberapa tahun yang lalu .. :-) semoga kalian suka dengan cerpen sya

Pagi ini memang nggak terlalu cerah , tp cuaca pagi itu tak menurunkan niatku untuk pergi ke sekolah .. hari sudah menunjukan pukul 06.30 itu tandanya aku harus segera bergegas pergi ke sekolah ..

sesampainya disekolah aku tiba lebih awal dari temn2ku, seperti biasanya aku langsung pergi ke kantin sekolah tuk sarapan pagi.. teman2 , guru , para staf mulai berdatangan aku segera kembali ke kelas karna bel akan segera berbunyi ..

aku sapa smua teman2ku yang udah sibuk dgn kegiatannya masing2, aku ikut bergabung dengan mereka, tertawa bersama, becanda bersama .. sampai bel pun berbunyi , jam pelajaran dimulai.. :-)

" teeeeetttt, teeeetttt ... " bel istirahat pertama berbunyi smua mulai bergegas keluar kelas. namun, seperti biasanya, istirahat pertama aku selalu meluangkan waktuku untuk bertemu dengan sahabatku. Namira (nama samaran) namanya, kita sudah bersahabat dari kelas satu SMA, namun karena program study kenaikan kelas dibagi dua yaitu IPA dan IPS kita akhirnya berpisah dia lebih memilih IPS tapi aku lebih memlih IPA. namun itu tidak membuat persahabatn kita menjadi buruk. komunikasi diantara kita slama ini tetap berjalan dengan baik...

sesampai didepan pintu kelasnya aku langsung masuk, tpi aku tak melihat batang hidungnya.. perasaanku jadi berubah seketika.
" hei, apa kmu lyat Namra?? " tanyaku pda slah seorng temannya Namira..
" dia nggak sekolah, " katanya
deggg degg deggg .. hatiku langsung tak karuan, dalam pikiranku trus bertanya-tanya "kenapa ?? "
" knpa ?? " tanyaku .
" tdi ibunya kirim pesan ktanya dia ga bisa hadir krna sakit.. "

tdk mngucapkan apa2 lagi aku langsung pergi mninggalkan kelasnya .. aku pergi kembali ke kelas karna bel sudah kembali berbuyi .. " yasudah ga usah terlalu dipikirkan , mungkin dia pusing aja.. " ucapku dlam hati ...
" Mir kmu kmna ?? km sakit apa ?? baik2 aja kan ?? knpa ga kabarin aku kmu sakit ?? " sms aku pdanya .. tpi ga ada balasan apapun drinya .. tiap hari sms itu aku kirim , tpi berpa hari itu jga ga ada balsan ..

udah 5 hari belalu akhirnya Namira kembal ke sekolah , dia temui aku dikelas . kebetulan hari sabtu sekolah cuma stngah hari jadi bsa pulang lebih awal .. kita berjalan berdua menyusuri jalan menuju ruma nya ..
" sini bentar , da yang mau aku omongin sama kmu " katanya ..
" apa ??" jwab aku..
" maaf ya kmren2 aku ga ngabarin kmu, aku jga ga bls sms kamu.. aku ga ada pulsa.. "
" ywdah ga apa2 , tpi km ga pa2 kan ??"
" ga kok ga apa2" ktnya ..??? ^-^

bebrpa minggu hari2ku sudah normal seperti biasanya . sampai akhirnya kita naik ke kelas 3 .. kesibukan mulai dirasa, tugas2 mulai menumpuk .. tak ada waktu untuk aku bermain2 lagi, samapai akhirnya aku nggak ada waktu untuk bermain ataupun bertmu dngan Namira sahabatku.

suatu saat namira sakit, aku diberi tau keadaanya sam tmn sekelasnya. aku ga sempat untuk menjenguknya karna kesibukanku.. dia slalu sms aku dia ingin blang ssuatu sama aku tapi ga bisa .. ;-(

sampai akhirnya ada kabar dri tmn2nya kalo dia sering sakit2an .. aku kaget , aku ga tau keadaan dia.. dan akhirnya pad suatu saat saya mesti mluangkan sedikit waktu sya untuk brtmu dn bcara padanya .
disuatu tmpat dia bicara padaku .. " maaf aku ngga kasih kabar k kmu, aku tau kita sama2 sibuk dgan tugas2 kita , sampai kita ga ada waktu untuk ktmu.. tapi saat ini kta bsa brtmu. ada yang ingin aku sampaikan ..kmu jangan blanmg2 tntang ini sma siapapun , cukup kmu yang tau.."
"apa ?? " tanyaku ..
" sebenrnya aku sring sakit2an dri dulu cuma aku biarin ajah, soalnya aku kira itu cuma sskit biasa . sampai akhirnya aku bilang keibuku kalo aku sring sakit, ibuku langsung ngajak aku ke RS tuk kontrol. kamu jangan kaget ya ?? kmu jngan sedih . aku kena kanker otak" .. tiba2 air mata mengalir di pipiku tanpa terbendung lgi .. tak kuasa rasnya aku mndengar kabar tentangnya ..
" kmu jangan nangis , kmu ga perlu kluarin air mata itu . " ktnya ..
" tapi ?? "
" sudah aku aja yang skit ga nangis . aku mohon jnga nagis krna ini .. aku ingin km kasi support aku biar aku smnagat, dan aku ttp baik baik saja"

sampai bbrpa lama kmudian , aku emang ga pernah lyat dia nangis krna penyakitnya tpi sya tau dalam hatinya dia sngat sakit, aku akan trus brsama dia, menjaga dia sampai kapanpun .. ;-)

beberpa bulan kmuadian hingga akhrnya dipenghujung kenangan kita , yaitu PERPISAHAN.. ;-)
ada rasa senang krna aku udah melawti tugas2 yang bert sbgai pelajar , tpi rasa sedih jga malanda hatiku karna samapai hari itu aku berpisah dngan tmn2ku , dngan sahabtku ..

kado terakhir yang diksih Namira buat sebuah knangan yang sangat indah , yang tak akan aku lupakan sampai kapanpu.. ;-)

smpai jumpa lagi di lain waktu , maafkan aku kalo aku punya banyak salah sm kmu.. kmu aakan slalu ada didalam hatiku sampai kapanpun .. friend forever ;-)

miss u always .. ^-^ 

"bagaimana keadaan Namira ?? tunggu cerita2 aku selanjutnya dialin waktu.. pasti akan lebih seru.. hhe ;-)" MAKASIHH ;-)